We started fermenting vinegar in the kitchen a few weeks ago.
How it started and progress notes in previous journal entries.
So far we’ve done steps 1-6 in the recipe:
- Sanitize glass jars
- Fill jar with fruits about 1/3
- Top up with water
- Cover opening with coffee filter and a rubber band (allows oxygen for the process but keeps away bugs like fruit flies)
- Stir every day.
- The first fermentation can take anywhere from 20 – 40 days but everyday you should take the time to stir up your vinegar and see how it develops and ages

Today is Day 22 and we did step 7: Strain off fruit.,
Now we ferment for 10 more days with lid off, covered with a coffee filter & rubber band again.
I’m still amazed at the whole process of making fruit wine at home (which is essentially what we did by taking the dried fruits and water and letting it ferment into alcohol over the last few weeks). And wow are they all flavourful and I’m so excited to continue tasting as they go into the next stage of fermentation into vinegar.
RIP pineapple. We suspect the pineapple might have been candied or have some other additive in it because this did not ferment at all. 3 weeks later and it still tasted like sugar water and none of the pineapple