“Sun Dried” Tomatoes in the Oven

I love tomatoes, especially cherry and grape tomatoes that I can pop in my mouth and let the flavour burst as I bite down on them. However, like much of our produce this summer, we’ve been traveling so frequently that not all of it gets used between our camping and weekend trips. In this case, there are tomatoes that are on the verge of going bad that have been sitting in our fridge crisper for far too long.

So, I decided to transform these little red juicy morsels into an even more flavourful punch of awesomeness and make “sun dried” tomatoes. Except I went with the modern oven method of drying them in the oven.

I worked off a recipe called “Oven ‘Sun Dried’ Tomatoes” from Gimme Some Oven.

Fairly simple: cut the tomatoes in half and place face side up on a baking sheet. Lightly season with salt. Place in the oven at 250 degrees Fahrenheit. And wait… a long time.

I started with 2.5 hours and went from there. 

We ended up drying them for about 3ish hours after checking every 10 minutes.

Took them out and let them cool. They are DELICIOUS!

They might not last until we put them in a meal because I keep eating these tasty little morsels as snacks.


RECIPE: “Oven ‘Sun Dried’ Tomatoes” from Gimme Some Oven


  • 1 pint cherry or grape tomatoes*
  • fine sea salt


  • Heat oven to 250°F.  Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Slice the tomatoes in half lengthwise.  Place them cut-side-up on the baking sheet.
  • Bake for 2.5 to 3.5 hours, or until the tomatoes are dried out, keeping an eye on the tomatoes so that they don’t burn.
  • Remove from the oven.  Serve immediately.  Or to store, transfer the sun-dried tomatoes to a jar and fill with olive oil until the tomatoes are completely covered.  Add in any desired seasonings (such as a clove of garlic and/or herbs), then cover and refrigerate for up to 4 days. Or see freezer storage instructions below.

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