Planning an entire garden feels extremely daunting. So we started with the “easiest”, which is when S is cooking dinner and I sit at the kitchen island and yammer on about my thoughts and we discuss to parse out information… and this works for us.

Here is the rough list we came up for with creating and making an awesome family vegetable garden for 2022. It seems kinda easy when it’s put in such a concise list form. I imagine the doing and implementation will be the more adventurous part!

  • Watering System
  • Decide plants we want
  • Purchase / borrow seeds
  • Planting / germination calendar (digital)
  • Research/get to know plant needs
  • Plot out growing locations
  • Start Seeds
  • Plant


  • Watering
  • Weeding
  • Plant Care
  • Fertilizing
  • Harvesting

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