Days have been feeling significantly longer, especially after Daylight savings time started here a couple weeks ago (Sunday March 13). Despite losing an hour of sleep, I’m feeling more energy because we seem to be getting more sunlight (at least when it hasn’t been rain rain rain).

Checking in on the patio garden. Flowers from the seed cards we used for our wedding invites & gift tags are blooming. The heather is beginning to grow new green tips. Daffodil has come from the bulbs that Dad gifted us and we planted in Fall 2021. Some of the rosemary and lavender bushes died. Alas, one survived and is showing delightfully bright green tips. Strawberries are back for another year. They didn’t bear much fruit, but I love how they overwintered and are now leafy. The peppermint and lemon balm – damn! They are ready to go for the season.

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