We’re attempting to grow food for our families. It’s an attempt to literally nourish us, and simultaneously make this a fun experiment and learning experience. Stef’s parents have been nurturing the life around their own home for decades, and I’m pretty excited to contribute by planting, tending to and being fed from the earth around us. At the same time, we can also track the data of how much food yields we can get off of a certain amount of area. Being real – I have a ton of climate anxiety. It’s really not looking great for homo sapiens as a species (and all life for that matter), and it can be daunting to know where to even start or what to do. Inspired by so many countless amazing humans whose videos I’ve watched or articles I’ve read, we’re starting as local as it gets: our own home and plates. To what extent are we able to sustain our lives through focusing attention, energy, time and resources in our fuel sources.
In my heart, a “win” would look like growing a ton of delicious and unique plants, and have the harvest be abundant that we would share it to our even broader family and communities. The current state is that we buy pretty everything we consumer. This year, we have purchased into a local CSA through which we receive a bountiful amount of produce that has taught us what can grow locally and try out cooking new things that we probably wouldn’t have chosen at the grocery store. With the exception of the thriving herb garden that was started during the pandemic, pretty much everything else we consume is purchased. 
What’s possible when combining a passion for nature and sustenance and a curious mind for experimenting and trying new things?
Here we go! A journey of GROWTH ahead.

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