Big blue lilyturf

Liriope muscari

Big blue lilyturf is an evergreen perennial endemic to East Asia. Comparable to grape hyacinths, this plant has velvety, lush foliage and abundant lavender-blue spikes with black berries blooming next to it. It is a famous, enticing plant that looks especially good in sloping waterways. This low-maintenance plant is excellent for ground cover and edging.

Common snowberry

Symphoricarpos albus

Common snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus) is a flowering deciduous shrub related to honeysuckle. Common snowberry grows in floodplains and woodlands throughout Canada and the United States. In these areas, it’s important as a source of food for the ecosystems of deer, bears, and longhorn sheep. Common snowberry is planted to control soil erosion as well as for ornamental purposes.

Large-leaved avens

Geum macrophyllum

Large-leaved avens (Geum macrophyllum) is a plant species that bears sticky fruit. Large-leaved avens can become stuck in clothing and pet fur. This weed is known best for its fruit, which is covered with spiky, velcro-like hooks that readily attach to anything that it touches.

Chinese silver grass

Miscanthus sinensis

Chinese silver grass is a perennial grass that can grow 91 to 213 cm. It forms dense clumps from an underground rhizome. The chinese silver grass is grown mainly as an ornamental grass, with silvery leaves and flowers that vary in color based on the cultivar. Be careful where you plant this type of grass; in some zones it can become invasive.

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