- Beginning of this mushroom grow kit journey is here.
- First harvest of elm oyster mushrooms cooked up
- Progress update on mushroom grow kit in the kitchen
The lion’s mane mushroom took FOREVER… in fact, we had two elm oyster harvests before anything happened with the lions mane. But it finally showed signs of mushroom the day before we were leaving for Sechelt. So we packed it into the car and brought it along so we could it hydrated (misting) while it grew. Yesterday the mushroom started browning; I think I damaged it when the block fell onto the mushroom. So I cut it off today and placed it in a paper bag in the fridge until we use it. Attempting to make lions mane “crab”cakes.
Elm Oyster Mushroom

Lion’s Mane Mushroom

We wanted to make Lions Mane Mushroom “Crab Cakes” but the mushrooms that we grew weren’t enough. So we added dried mushrooms from Osaka Grocery that we rehydrated. Forgot to take a photo of the crab cake cooking process or a shot before it was half eaten. So here is what I do have…