USDA certified organic farm. It is located in West Maui, about a five-minute drive from Lahaina. The farm specializes in growing dragon fruit and other delicious, exotic fruit. We offer tropical food tasting tours and alpaca tours.

Red Ginger
- Leaves smell like fruit loops
- From Malaysia
- Brought to Hawaiian islands by royalty
- Can live up to 3 weeks after cut
- Red part is brackt (encasement for flower)
- Self propagates
- Helps women with morning sickness
- Medicinal properties in roots
Short coconut leaf
- Trade winds up to 75m/h
- Plant dwarf palm varieties
- Triangle palms (fan out)
- Bottle palms (champagne palms)
- Palm oil from the seeds
- Both palms are drought resistant
- Lahaina is dessert region (24 inches of rain a year)
- Susceptible to fires and drought
- Signify relationship status
- Men hand to women
- Left ear means taken
- Edible
- Release scent at night so more fragrant in evening for the moths
- Iao valley – 9th wettest place in the world
- Mountains provide water reservoir
Aloe Vera
- Torch aloe will leave yellow tint on skin and leave a smell
- “Chicken noodle soup aloe”
- Candelabra or pineapple aloe
- 95% anti fungal and antibacterial
- Can drink, it’s good for digestion
Travelers palms (imposter palms)
- More closely related to banana trees
- Fronds more closely to banana
- Related to birds of paradise
- Vibrant blue seeds
- Can access up to a quart of fresh water from the base
Coconut tree
- Usually 80ft tall, but Samoan variety are dwarf variety
- Takes 10 years for coconut tree to produce coconuts
- Will produce all year round
- New bundle every new moon (synced with lunar cycles)
- Will produce for up to 80 years
- Sprouted coconut – wait until it falls naturally and then roots
Octopus agave
- Really sharp points
- Native to Mexico
- Ends used as sewing needle
- Not the type used for tequila
- Part of century plant family and will
- Shoot a 30 foot stalk and then will die
- Stanchon – Vietnamese way of growing
- Takes 7 years from seed to producing fruit
- It’s a cactus
- Drought resistant
- Native to central/South America
- Each spike has potential for fruit to grow
- Start off as tiny bud and then into huge white flowers
- The flowers only bloom at night for 1 days
- Really small window to pollinate
- Bats are native pollinators
- Hawaii doesn’t have bats so they are hand pollinated here
- Season is May – November
- Flower will die off and fruit will grow at the base
- Four varieties – white, pink, dark purple, cross-pollination mix
- Low in sugar content
- Takes 2.5-3 years for 1 pineapple
- Would twist crown and expose root nodes and plant that to get new mother plant
- Sometimes mother will shoot new crown and that is called a retune (second generation pineapple)
- Can produce up to 4 generations but they get smaller and sweeter
- They all hold same amount of sugar content so smaller is always sweeter
- Spikes start out as tiny purple flowers
- You don’t want pineapples to be pollinated! It will actually destroy the middle of the fruit
- Hawaii has banned hummingbirds to stop pollinating
- Each spike is an individual berry, so 200 berries to make 1 fruit
Banana trees
- These ones are small and burnt in a fire
- They regrew after the fire but stunned their growth
- Still producing
Sour sop
- Same family as cherimoya
- Almost like jackfruit like texture
- Big black seeds in middle
- Pollinated by beetles
- Beetles don’t like pesticides so they pollinate organic farms
- In citrus family
- Leaves boiled to make tea, anti cancer properties
Buddhas hand
- Also in citrus family
- Mix of lemon and lime
- Leaves used more than fruit
- Fruit is all rind
- Pollinated by bees
- Invasive species
- Encouraged to pick
- 7 months from seed to fruit
- Stems are hollow so grow quickly
- Only produce for up to 3 years
Blue java banana (ice cream banana)
- Purple thing is the heart – where bananas come from
- Ants pollinate
- Want to sever heart after bundle done growing and nutrients go to ripening bundle
- Takes about 9 month for tree to reach full size
- Just cut down base and it regrows
- Banana trees are largest herb
- Can eat every part of it
- Endemic to hawaii
- Yoga of tea in Hawaiian culture
- Calming for nervous system, gut health