My my my… this week begins April. Gasp. How did we already get to the fourth month of the calendar year? 

Lots happening as we begin to ramp up for the food garden!

Ordered seeds

Started with a garden walk through and beginning to map. The map is taking waaaay longer though since I’m going down the rabbit hole of companion plants (more notes on that to come). So this is not yet complete – Garden Walk-Through & Food Garden Mapping Spring 2022

And we planted our first Food Garden seeds for the season. OMG!

  • Broccoli
    • Hybrid Broccoli Blend
    • Green Magic Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
    • Amazing
    • Fioretto 60
  • Eggplant
    • Snowy Eggplant
    • Black Beauty Eggplant
  • Gourd
    • Luffa
  • Lettuce
    • Lettuce Blend
    • Salad Bowl Lettuce
    • Butterhead Lettuce
  • Leek
    • Varna Organic Leek
  • Shallots
    • Zebrune Shallots
  • Potato
    • Clancy Pelleted
  • Tomatillo
    • Tomatillos
  • Tomato
    • Black Krim
    • Principe Borghese
    • Wild Galapagos Tomato Seeds
    • Blondkopfchen Tomato Seeds

Some things that need to be done next:

  • Tilling the soil and adding more – S will do over next couple weeks
  • Creating arched trellis for the squash patch – we’ll by some cattle fencing and do this project over the next few weeks.
  • Order grow bags (once I’ve figured out how many we need, which I can only know after I’ve finished those darn maps!)
  • Watering system. This one can wait a bit until we’ve got some plants started and know better what we want out of it. Nothing too fancy. If I recall, S said we’re literally just running hoses around… so we’ll see.

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