House garden seems to be have a tough time. Many of the plants look like they’re struggling (limp, yellowing) or the direct sowed seeds aren’t sprouting at all.

Today at the house we:

  • transplanted tomato & cucumbers into hanging planters
  • transplanted zucchini (this entailed me putting the zucchinis in different areas of the garden and see which one does best)
  • moved over a few of the peas over to the Three Sisters plant patch
  • separated the broccoli & cauliflower. most of the ones in the front yard were planted too close to each other, and in the process of re-spacing them, turns out most of them also were two separate plants that were transplanted together. oops
  • direct sowed snap peas & beans at the Three Sisters patch
  • direct sowed a ton of lettuce and beats in the Front Yard
  • transplanted a few tomatoes into the veggie patch
  • transplanted a bunch of the leeks into the Front Yard
  • S planted potatoes. It’s a bit of a crap shoot. He found a bag of seed potatoes on clearance and bought them. This particular area of the garden doesn’t have good soil (it’s too much like clay), but we didn’t really have anywhere better to put them, especially in terms of time commitment for this week. So, in the ground they went. We have a few of the same seed potatoes in a grow bag on the rooftop, so we’ll see what happens.

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