Was feeling really rough in my body today. Not feeling like I could leave the house, I realized that the nature in our home would be my reconnection and grounding today. This is a spider plant that is one of the house plants that lit my passion for integrating home with the natural world. We fostered the plant after S brought home a number of office plants from coworkers who didn’t have a chance to go into the office during the initial pandemic lockdown. He ended up returning a number of the plants to the office when they were able to return. However, we had already planted one of the baby plants that the spider gives off. And voila- now that plants has a ton of spider babies. And the cycle keeps going. A number of these spider babies were also gifts for our wedding guests. One plant, touching many lives.

The photos from my grounding in nature was inside our home today. Spider plants, wandering dude, pothos, dracaena, pilea plant, snake plant, zz plant,

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