Front Yard

The front yard was where we planned to have the brassicas (e.g.: broccoli, cauliflower, kale), which go well with companion planting with beets and the allium family (e.g.: chives, leeks, and onions. The lettuce seems to be happy. We used the lettuce for salad this evening.
The broccoli or cauliflower seems to be happy. Nothing has matured enough yet.
Despite planting a ton and ton of beets, it looks like there’s only two beet plants that have actually lasted in here. However, when visiting the grocery store, there was clearance seedling plants that they had. And so I bought two for $0.90. We got~ 30 beet plants that S transplanted. It’s the peak of summer here, and the beet plants look very sad since they’d been browning outside of the grocery store. Make sense why theyre on clearance. But I said you know, for two bucks, let’s give it a go and see if we can get more than just two beets out of this front yard here.
As for the Front Yard soil, we dumped a ton of soil amender on top and didn’t mix it in. So we’re growing in bark chips and early compost. On top of that there’s dried branches and woody bots from the evergreen bushes.
As for the Front Yard soil, we dumped a ton of soil amender on top and didn’t mix it in. So we’re growing in bark chips and early compost. On top of that there’s dried branches and woody bots from the evergreen bushes.
Lastly, we have a zucchini which we planted up top that seems to possibly be doing something. It’s at least flowering so hopefully pollinating soon and getting us some fruits
Then the spinach was happy but then it bolted in the heat. But that’s fine because try again closer to fall and hopefully get some more spinach in the fall, fall season.
Veggie Patch

So the veggie patch, as noted in previous entries, is very sad. But last week, Stephen tilled over some of the soil and we planted some new seedlings that we’d grown at home. The lettuce is doing amazing. It’s a lettuce from the garden that S’s Mom had bought that is very much thriving. Asparagus is good, but that’s not going to be harvested until next year. Then we have a zucchini that seems to be coming along. Tiny little lettuce that looks really sad. Couple cucumbers and some extra brassicas that seem to be over extra from that we brought in from the front yard and are somehow making it. So we’ll see about that. And really nothing happening with all the flowers that I wanted to have the companion plants such as nasturtiums, lobelia, and calendula. Unfortunate.

On the annex, the lavender bush that was planted last year looks amazing. And the snap peas are really climbing. They’re looking happy. They’re producing snap peas and not enough for a full harvest but enough that I get excited every time we come over and then we eat a couple of fresh off of the vine. Edamame and garbanzo plants are growing, but no, no beans in sight yet for either one. Then we put down a few bean plants and whatnot. But they don’t look great. I think we need to put more slug solution around the.
Hanging Baskets
Looking good tomatoes & cucumbers. They look happier than most of our other gardening areas.

Three Sisters Trellis

The three sisters trellis seems to be the happiest place of all the squash are growing, the beans are growing and corn is growing. However, the happiest plants are those in the grow bags. So again, the flower beds with the not so great soil with the compost amender are also kind of struggling. But we’re continuing to transplant and add stuff so hopefully, we’ll get some good use of the trellis.
Rhododendron Corner
In the Rhododendron Corner, same thing. Couple beans and some brassicas. I think they might be broccolis that we planted but again, looking really sad and something’s eating them up so we’ll have to take care of that.
Food Garden Notes
This post I found on reddit pretty much explains where we’re at with the food garden this year…

It’s been an interesting, but yet to be fruit/veggie bearing year…
For comparison – the marigolds…