Spring has sprung!

We did our food garden measurements yesterday so we can begin to map out where the plants will find their new homes. First, though, let’s enjoy the beauty of all all the spring flowers!

Daffodil (Narcissus)
Snowdrops (Galanthus)
Grape hyacinth (muscari)

Planting Locations

Front Yard

Veggie Patch (Back Yard)

Veggie Annex (Back Yard)

Concrete Planters (Back Yard)

Hanging Planters (Under Deck)

Potential Squash Plot with to-be-built arched trellis

Getting familiar with the whole garden

Next steps

Map out the planting areas. We bought a seeding square to make the best use out of the space we have. More to come once we map out using the square foot planting method.

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