in·ter·sti·tial /ˌin(t)ərˈstiSHəl/ adjective adjective: interstitial of, forming, or occupying interstices."the interstitial space"ECOLOGY(of minute animals) living in the spaces between individual sand grains in the soil or aquatic sediments."the interstitial fauna of marine sands" Intrigued me when I read the essay by Hima Batavia, #72 - why I write
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From 99% Invisible Podcast - Episode 496 "The Ojibwe name for wild rice is Manoomin, which translates to “the good berry.” The scientific name is _Zizania palustris_. It’s the only grain indigenous to North America, and while it might be called rice, it’s actually not closely related to brown or...
The rooftop is feeling more and more lush with all the plants (hopefully some vegetables and fruits soon too). Transplanted a bunch of basket stuffers from the hanging baskets we bought for the wedding last year. The hanging baskets have now been repurposed for tomatoes and cucumbers, so all the...
House garden seems to be have a tough time. Many of the plants look like they're struggling (limp, yellowing) or the direct sowed seeds aren't sprouting at all. Today at the house we: transplanted tomato & cucumbers into hanging planterstransplanted zucchini (this entailed me putting the zucchinis in different areas...
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