February 13, 2023 Spurge Laurel

[envira-gallery id='14266'] Spurge laurel (Daphne laureola) is a flowering plant native to Europe and Maghreb. Spurge laurel is poisonous and anyone handling the plant must wear gloves to avoid getting a rash from the caustic sap. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpWSXEnYOZ4

February 12, 2023 Ozark Witchhazel

[envira-gallery id='14252'] Ozark witchhazel (Hamamelis vernalis) The ozark witchhazel is a deciduous shrub most often found around the Ozark Plateau. This shrub blooms during late winter and early spring if given full sun or partial shade. The Greek roots of its scientific name, Hamamelis vernalis, reference the fact that both...

February 11, 2023 Red Alder

[envira-gallery id='14242'] Red alder (Alnus rubra) The red alder, one of the world's largest alders, takes its common name from the vibrant reddish color that emerges in its bruised or scraped bark. The various parts of this tree have multiple uses. Native Americans use the bark of this tree to...

February 8, 2023 Monterey Cypress

[envira-gallery id='14208'] The monterey cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) is a coniferous, evergreen cypress tree native to coastal California in the United States. It is a popular tree for cultivation and landscaping and occasionally for furniture construction. The foliage of the monterey cypress is toxic to livestock. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_nyT12XcjY

February 2, 2023 Snowdrops

[envira-gallery id='14147'] A herald of spring, the snowdrop grows up to around 7 to 15 cm tall. Sprouting from bulbs, the drooping bell-shaped white flowers are accompanied by two slender, erect leaves. These flowers have been noted throughout history, with references going as far back as the fourth century. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vq07An4aKUU