Maui Dragon Fruit Farm USDA certified organic farm. It is located in West Maui, about a five-minute drive from Lahaina. The farm specializes in growing dragon fruit and other delicious, exotic fruit. We offer tropical food tasting tours and alpaca tours. [envira-gallery id='15246'] Red Ginger Leaves smell like fruit loops...
This road is famous for having over 600 turns, 59 bridges, and more waterfalls than you can possibly see in one day. [envira-gallery id='15200']
Kūka'emoku - ‘Īao Needle The traditional name for this 2,250 foot high peak is Kūka'emoku. The peak is known as the phallic stone of Kanaloa, Hawaiian god of the ocean. During periods of warfare, the peak was used as a lookout by warriors. It was here that some of the...
Formed approximately 960 years ago as a result of molten lava spewing up from underground and flowing toward the ocean, the Hana Lava Tube is one of the most fascinating stops along the Road to Hana. As the lava continued to flow down, the top cooled and hardened to form...
I ka nānā no a 'ike (By observing, one learns) Kalahaku Overlook The rim's overlook, at 9,324 ft. Pu'u Ulaula Summit (Red Hill) Science City and the observatories are off-limits (kapu) to the public. The parking lot is in the shallow crater of Puu Ulaula (Red Hill). Haleakala's highest point,...
Intertidal Zone Your journey begins here at the Surge Zone (KAI KOHOLA) - where land meets the sea. Freshwater streams flow down into the ocean, joining the surge of the tides. Our path of exhibits reflects traditional Hawaiian navigation, starting upland (MAUKA), & moving seaward (MAKAI). As you continue you...
The VMS acknowledges we gather on the unceded and ancestral territory of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh speaking peoples, the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations, and has been stewarded by them since time immemorial. Our members hope to learn from these examples, to deepen our relationships to this...
Useful apps, info and books to help you find and identify edibles. Search for specific plants/fungi/organisms here on… Backroads map book (app) forest service roads and topographic info: with offline access to maps and info on crown land boundaries Land rights information… Recommended Foraging Resources: Plant/Fungi Books:...
North Vancouver City Library Adult book club May book Driven- The Secret Lives of Taxi Drivers by Marcello Di Cintio NVCL Book Club Reading Guide About the book ““The taxi,” writes Marcello Di Cintio, “is a border.” Occupying the space between public and private, a cab brings together people who might...
North Vancouver City Library Adult book club April book Excerpts “Every man you ever meet in nothing but the product of what was withheld from him, what he feels owed.” “Today you are the only boy in the world and tomorrow it will be as though you never existed.” “Amir took...
We owe women of color for the foods we love to eat For this week's episode, we talked to a food historian and three cookbook authors about the influence cooks who are people of color — especially women— have on what and how we eat today. NPR Code Switch It's...
Podcast: Liberation Ecotherapy with Phoenix Smith (Upstream) Ecosystems can be restored, but we have to do the work we have to do the repair we have to do the reciprocity we have to change our consciousness and relationships can be restored as well. restoring our relationship with ourself. Right to...
[envira-gallery id='14278'] Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) A herald of spring, the snowdrop grows up to around 7 to 15 cm tall. Sprouting from bulbs, the drooping bell-shaped white flowers are accompanied by two slender, erect leaves. These flowers have been noted throughout history, with references going as far back as the...
[envira-gallery id='14266'] Spurge laurel (Daphne laureola) is a flowering plant native to Europe and Maghreb. Spurge laurel is poisonous and anyone handling the plant must wear gloves to avoid getting a rash from the caustic sap.
[envira-gallery id='14252'] Ozark witchhazel (Hamamelis vernalis) The ozark witchhazel is a deciduous shrub most often found around the Ozark Plateau. This shrub blooms during late winter and early spring if given full sun or partial shade. The Greek roots of its scientific name, Hamamelis vernalis, reference the fact that both...
[envira-gallery id='14242'] Red alder (Alnus rubra) The red alder, one of the world's largest alders, takes its common name from the vibrant reddish color that emerges in its bruised or scraped bark. The various parts of this tree have multiple uses. Native Americans use the bark of this tree to...
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[envira-gallery id='14208'] The monterey cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) is a coniferous, evergreen cypress tree native to coastal California in the United States. It is a popular tree for cultivation and landscaping and occasionally for furniture construction. The foliage of the monterey cypress is toxic to livestock.
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[envira-gallery id='14147'] A herald of spring, the snowdrop grows up to around 7 to 15 cm tall. Sprouting from bulbs, the drooping bell-shaped white flowers are accompanied by two slender, erect leaves. These flowers have been noted throughout history, with references going as far back as the fourth century.
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