It’s been an incredible and fun adventure to buy all our produce from a local CSA (community-supported agriculture) for the summer season of 2021. It’s a way to get a weekly variety of vegetables grown in our region. As Stef noted when we were chatting about our meal experiences since getting our weekly CSA produce: we’ve been trying out new and interesting recipes the whole season.

With both of us working -from-home, we have the time and energy to make an event of dinners. As a single gal, dinners were almost exclusively bought because, that’s a ton of work for one gal who is busy trying to stay afloat in the whirlpool of corporate hustle culture. These days, as part of this whackadoodle duo, we’re working as a team. With skin sensitivity, getting too hands-on in the kitchen can be a flare-up disaster. But I do love my learning, so I scour the inter webs for some recipes and new ways to understand these gifts from the earth.

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