
Divine Feminine
Collective Imagination

I dream…

​I dream of a world in which every creature on this planet is nourished and supported to thrive and pursue their deepest desires because it honors and liberates humanity and ecology

I dream collective imagination will liberate us

I dream of moving with energy and passion regularly because it honors the life I hold in this body 

I dream of feeling home in the present moment because it honors my ancestors and liberates our shared unknown future

I dream of being a mother because it honors my wild, my softness and the divine feminine

I dream of leading and living with love because it honors the land, lineages of deep knowledge and pour place in the cosmos and begins to crack open a space where we all thrive

I dream of one-ness and embodied decolonization because it liberates us from division and leads to respect and honor for the life which fuels us

I dream of receiving and giving life and love.

I dream of spaciousness, and an unhurried quality of presence.

I dream of deep connection, across time, space, borders and boundaries, because it is a sacred truth.

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